B&R Industry PC

B&R designed this industrial computer for the requirements of industrial customers in terms of high stability, high reliability, and long-term availability. Since the cheapest PC is the most expensive in the long run at first glance, many industry decision-makers chose B&R Industry PC. When it comes to the total cost of a product life cycle, this is where B&R Industrial PCs reflect their cost advantages.

  • The mighty Atom and Core™i technology processors can ensure that the automation system runs smoothly under the highest requirements. The driving system can integrate any unique form of products and achieve system integration and improvement through the integrated production line.
  • B&R industrial computers are widely used in various industries. With a complete product line, you can find industrial computer models corresponding to their respective industries. Users deeply love their durability and stability.


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Industrial PC 3100 Industrial PC 2200
Industrial PC 910 Industrial PC 2100
Panel PC 3100多點觸控 Panel PC 3100單點觸控
Panel PC 2200多點觸控 Panel PC 2200單點觸控
Panel PC 2100多點觸控 Panel PC 2100單點觸控
Panel PC 900多點觸控 Panel PC 900單點觸控
Panel PC 2200(AP5000)擺臂,多點觸控 Panel PC 2200(AP5000)擺臂,單點觸控
Panel PC 2100(AP5000)擺臂,多點觸控 Panel PC 2100(AP5000)擺臂,單點觸控
Panel PC-不銹鋼設計 Panel PC-不銹鋼設計,擺臂
Smart Display Link 3 Smart Display Link 4

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